TaskHandle_t xHandle; void vAFunction( void ) { // Create a task, storing the handle. xTaskCreate( vTaskCode, "NAME", STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &xHandle ); // ... Rest of code. } void vTaskCode( void *pvParameters ) { // The task being suspended and resumed. for( ;; ) { // ... Perform some function here. // The task suspends itself. vTaskSuspend( NULL ); // The task is now suspended, so will not reach here until the ISR resumes it. } } void vAnExampleISR( void ) { BaseType_t xYieldRequired; // Resume the suspended task. xYieldRequired = xTaskResumeFromISR( xHandle ); if( xYieldRequired == pdTRUE ) { // We should switch context so the ISR returns to a different task. // NOTE: How this is done depends on the port you are using. Check // the documentation and examples for your port. portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); } }
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