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Hands-on Tutorial
Getting Started with FreeRTOS+Nabto Using the FreeRTOS Windows Simulator


This page provides a hands-on tutorial that creates a live FreeRTOS+Nabto application using the FreeRTOS Windows simulator. Use of the Windows simulator allows FreeRTOS+Nabto to be evaluated without the need to first obtain any particular hardware - however it should be noted that the simulator will not exhibit real time behaviour.

Follow the tutorial steps on this page to:

  • Learn how to configure a development environment that enables you to create and experiment with FreeRTOS+Nabto Internet of Things applications on a local network.

  • Learn about the Nabto base directory.

  • Learn how the web based user interface files are packaged.

The Tutorial Source Code and Project File

Opening the project file

The tutorial uses the Microsoft Visual Studio (MSVC) version of the FreeRTOS Windows simulator. The project can be build and debugged with the free Express edition of MSVC.

Tutorial steps:
  1. Download the source code and tutorial project.

  2. Ensure Microsoft Visual Studio (MSVC) is installed.

  3. Open the MSVC solution called FreeRTOS_Plus_Nabto.sln, which is located in the \FreeRTOS-Plus\Demo\FreeRTOS_Plus_Nabto_Windows_Simulator directory.

Introducing the unabto_config.h configuration file

The Nabto source files contain several constants that affect its behaviour. Default values for each constant are set in unabto_config_defaults.h. To change a value from its default setting re-define the value in unabto_config.h (do not edit unabto_config_defaults.h).

Figure 1 shows the location of unabto_config.h in the MSVC Solution Explorer window.

Nabto configuration file
Figure 1: Locating the unabto_config.h header file

Local Vs Remote access

FreeRTOS+Nabto can be configured to only accept connections from local (non-internet) addresses, only accept connections from remote (internet) addresses, or accept connections from both local and remote addresses simultaneously.

The unabto_config.h file supplied with the tutorial is configured to accept local connections, and not accept remote connections.

Device URL

Every FreeRTOS+Nabto device on a network must have a unique URL. The URL to use is obtained by the FreeRTOS+Nabto component by calling an application defined callback function called pcApplicationNabtoDeviceURL(). Applications that use FreeRTOS+Nabto must provide an pcApplicationNabtoDeviceURL() implementation. The implementation used by the tutorial project is shown in listing 1.

const char *pcApplicationNabtoDeviceURL( void )
static const char * pcURL = "";

    /* Return the URL that will be used by the device.  The URL must be in
    persistent memory (not declared on the stack of this function), and
    unique on the network.

    A unique URL can be created by prefixing the main URL with the serial
    number or MAC address of the device (or any other unique identifier).

    It is ok in this case to use a simple constant string, provided only one
    instance of this project is connected to the network at any one time, and
    that the default project configuration is not changed to allow remote
    access. */
    return pcURL;
Listing 1: The implementation of pcApplicationNabtoDeviceURL() in main.c of the tutorial project

A unique URL can be created by prefixing the main device URL with the device's serial number, MAC address, or any other value unique to the device. The tutorial project can get away with using the hard coded address without such a prefix because the scope of its network visibility is limited to the local network. That is only true, of course, provided only one instance of the tutorial project is connected to the local network at any one time.

Network configuration

The tutorial project is supplied with ipconfigUSE_DHCP set to 0 in FreeRTOSIPconfig.h. As DHCP is not used a static IP address must be configured.

Tutorial steps continued:
  1. Open FreeRTOSConfig.h (see image 1 above).

  2. The static IP address is set by the constants configIP_ADDR0 to configIP_ADDR3. Edit these constants to appropriate values for your network. The chosen address must be compatible with the network, and unique on the network (the IP address will be compatible if its first three octets match the first three octets of other IP addresses on the same network).

  3. Most Windows computers have more than one physical network interface, so it is necessary to define which interface the tutorial will use. A mapping of interfaces to interface numbers is displayed when the tutorial application is executed (see Figure 4 below). Set configNETWORK_INTERFACE_TO_USE to the number of the interface to use.

While FreeRTOSConfig.h is open it is also worth pointing out the configMAC_ADDR0 to configMAC_ADDR5 constants. These set the (virtual) MAC address used by the tutorial. The default MAC address will not need changing unless you connect more than one instance of the tutorial project to the same network - in which case each instance must use a unique MAC address (and a unique URL as already noted).

The Nabto Base Directory

It has already been seen that user interfaces to FreeRTOS+Nabto devices are created using standard web technologies, such as HTML files, image files, and Javascript. When you connect to a FreeRTOS+Nabto device the user interface files for that device are automatically downloaded from a cloud server and stored in the Nabto base directory.

Locating the Nabto base directory

Tutorial steps continued:
  1. If you have not already done so, view the live demo in the Firefox web browser. The live demo's user interface files will be saved into the Nabto base directory.

  2. Locate the Nabto base directory. Its location is dependent on your operating system. Refer to the following table.

    OS Nabto Base Directory
    Linux ~/.nabto
    Windows %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Nabto
    Older Windows versions %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Nabto

Contents of the Nabto base directory

The Nabto base directory contains a sub directory called html_dd, in which further sub directories are created to store user interface files. Figure 2 shows the sub directory created by connecting to the live demo:
  • The name of the directory is the URL of the live demo.

  • is a file that contains all the user interface files required to view and interact with the live demo. This is the file received from the cloud server.

  • static is a directory that contains the HTML, Javascript, image files, etc. that make up the live demo's user interface. The static directory was extracted from

  • nabto is a directory that contains the XML file that describes the Nabto queries implemented in the live demo. The nabto directory was extracted from

internet of things directory structure
Figure 2: The html_dd directory viewed in the Windows explorer

The user interface files for the tutorial project are not downloaded from a cloud server, so must be placed into the html_dd directory manually. The files used by the live demo are re-used for the tutorial project by copying them into an appropriately named directory.

Tutorial steps continued:
  1. Copy the contents of the directory into a new directory in the same location called (assuming the URL used by the tutorial project has not been changed from its default). See image 3.

new internet of things directory
Figure 3: The html_dd directory with the new directory

Running the Tutorial Project

Tutorial steps continued:
  1. Start the tutorial project executing by selecting "Start Without Debugging" from the Visual Studio's Debug menu. A Windows console window will open that displays the available network adaptors and the network configuration.

    new internet of things command console
    Figure 4: The Windows console showing the available interfaces and network configuration

  2. Open Firefox and enter nabto://self/discover in the address bar. The Nabto plug-in will search for locally accessible FreeRTOS+Nabto devices. If all is well it will recognise the tutorial project (running in the Windows simulator) as a device and display its URL (see the trouble shooting section if not).

    Searching for internet of things devices
    Figure 4: Locating the tutorial application using the discovery URL

  3. Click the URL in the web page to view the user interface - which will be exactly the same as that of the Live demo.

  4. Try editing index.html in the html_dd/ directory (the directory that was created in the nabto/html_dd directory), then refresh the page in Firefox to see your edits.

  5. Remember the Windows simulator will not exhibit real time behaviour, and one simulated ms actually takes approximately 40ms to execute!

Trouble shooting

The windows simulator creates a virtual network interface by reading and writing raw Ethernet data through a real network interface. Any connection problems encountered are likely to be related to the operation of the virtual interface, not the operation of the FreeRTOS+Nabto code.

This section contains things to try if you are not able to connect to the tutorial when it is running.


Try pinging the configured IP address. If ping replies are received then it is likely the problem is not related to the network configuration.

Wired Vs Wireless network interfaces

Try using a wired network rather than a wireless network. If that is not possible try connecting to (or pinging) the project from a different computer on the same network.


We often see in corporate environments that the IT department enforces a policy on windows machines that prevents a unicast response to a broadcast request. The following URL provides information on how to check if unicast responses are allowed on your machine:

Try temporarily disabling any firewall or other network filtering software (don't forget to turn it back on again immediately after your test!).

Hubs and Switches

Intelligent hubs and switches can shield network nodes from traffic. Try connecting through a dumb hub.

If Firefox and the tutorial project are running on the same computer then an external network connection is not actually required at all, although Windows does need to recognise the network interface as being 'up' so the network cable does need to be plugged into something that can negotiate a link (this could just be a hub that has nothing else plugged into it).

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