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FreeRTOS+TCP and FreeRTOS+FAT Examples
Running on a Xilinx Zynq dual core ARM Cortex-A9 SoC

[Buildable TCP/IP and FAT FS Examples]


Don't have any hardware? You can still try the RTOS TCP and FAT examples now by using the Win32 demo, which uses free tools, and runs in a Windows environment.

The Zynq FreeRTOS+TCP and FreeRTOS+FAT demo includes the following standard examples:

FreeRTOS+FAT is used to create and format a RAM disk, then mount both the RAM disk and a FAT formatted SD card in the same virtual file system. The mounted file systems then provide the storage for both the FreeRTOS+TCP FTP and HTTP server examples.

The RAM disk is accessible even if an SD card is not inserted.

The project builds using the free Xilinx SDK GCC based development tools, and hardware projects are provided that allow the demo to run on either the ZC702 or lower cost MicroZed evaluation boards.

Important Note: Due to the combination of memory caching and DMA requiring 32-byte multiples, it is necessary to use BufferAllocation_1.c with this demo.



The following are required to build and run the FreeRTOS+TCP and FreeRTOS+FAT examples on a Xilinx Zynq SoC:
  • Either a ZC702 or MicroZed evaluation board. [The FreeRTOS TCP/IP and FAT middleware components can also be evaluated using the the FreeRTOS Windows port without the need to purchase any special hardware]

  • An installation of the Eclipse based Xilinx SDK development tools. The demo is always released with a project that is compatible with whatever is the latest SDK version at the time of release.

  • The FreeRTOS Labs source code download.

Hardware Setup

No specific hardware setup is required.

Opening the Project

Note: Previous FreeRTOS Labs releases required the end user to create the BSP project - which can be done automatically by the SDK. Now the BSP project is distributed along with the hardware and application projects, so there is no need to create the BSP as a separate step. The Eclipse project builds files from various directories within the FreeRTOS-Labs source tree, so ensure the directory structure has not been modified.
  1. Start the SDK Eclipse IDE, selecting an existing Eclipse workspace or create a new workspace when prompted.

  2. Select "Import" from the IDE's "File" menu. The Import dialogue will appear.

  3. In the Import dialogue, select "General->Existing Projects Into Workspace", then navigate to and select the /FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_and_FAT_Zynq_SDK directory within the FreeRTOS Labs source code directory tree.

  4. Four projects will appear in the projects window of the Import dialogue, as shown below. Ensure the RTOSDemo and RTOSDemo_bsp projects are selected, then also select either the MicroZed_hw_platform or the ZC702_hw_platform depending on the development board in use.

    Click the "Finish" button to close the Import dialogue.

    importing the RTOS TCP/IP and FAT projects
    Importing the projects

  5. Right click the "RTOSDemo" project in the Project Explorer and select "Refresh" from the pop up menu.

    Creating the board support package for the Zynq TCP/IP example
    The three projects in the Eclipse Project Explorer

  6. It should now be possible to build the project.

    Right click the "RTOSDemo" project in the Eclipse Project Explorer window once more. This time select "Build Project" from the pop-up menu.

Software Setup #1: Setting a Static or Dynamic IP Address

Allocating an IP address to the RTOS TCP/IP target
Network address settings in FreeRTOSConfig.h
The FreeRTOSIPConfig.h and FreeRTOSConfig.h header files are the FreeRTOS+TCP and FreeRTOS configuration files respectively. Both can be opened from within the SDK's Eclipse IDE.

If a DHCP server is present on the network to which the Zynq is connected then set ipconfigUSE_DHCP to 1 in FreeRTOSIPConfig.h, and no further IP address configuration is necessary. It is not necessary to know the IP address allocated to the Zynq by the DHCP server if a hostname is configured, because the Zynq can be located by its name directly. The IP address can however be viewed, as it is output using the UDP logging facility.

If there is no DHCP server connected to the network then set ipconfigUSE_DHCP to 0 in FreeRTOSIPConfig.h, then configure the IP address and netmask manually. The IP address and netmask are set using the configIP_ADDR0/3 and configNET_MASK0/3 constants respectively in FreeRTOSConfig.h. Note the IP address setting is in FreeRTOSConfig.h rather than FreeRTOSIPConfig.h because it is related to the application, rather than being a TCP/IP stack configuration option.

When manually setting the IP address it is necessary to ensure the chosen IP address is compatible with the netmask. In most cases a compatible IP address will be one that uses the same first three octets as the host computer. For example, if the IP address of the host computer is then any 192.168.0.nnn address (other than when nnn is 0 or 255, and any other address already present on the network) will be compatible.

It is also necessary to set a gateway address that is also compatible with the netmask. This step is necessary even if the gateway does not actually exist on the network (otherwise an internal sanity check will trigger a configASSERT() failure). The gateway address is set using the configGATEWAY_ADDR0/3 constants in FreeRTOSConfig.h.

Software Setup #2: Setting the MAC Address

The MAC address is set using the configMAC_ADDR0/5 constants in FreeRTOSConfig.h.

If only one embedded target that is running the example is connected to the network then it will not be necessary to modify the MAC address.

If multiple embedded targets that are running FreeRTOS+TCP examples are connected to the same network then it will be necessary to ensure each computer has a unique MAC address.

Software Setup #3: Setting the Hostname

It is often more convenient to identify a node on the network using a name, rather than an IP address. This is especially the case when the IP address is not known. For example, rather than sending a ping request to an IP address, such as "ping", a ping request can instead be sent to a hostname, such as "ping MyHostName" (where MyHostName is the name assigned to the network node).

If only one embedded device that is running a FreeRTOS+TCP example is connected to the network then it will not be necessary to modify the default hostname, which is "RTOSDemo". If multiple embedded devices that are running the example are connected to the same network then it will be necessary to assign a different hostname to each embedded device.

The hostname is set by the mainHOST_NAME constant at the top of the main.c source file. Depending on the network topology, it may also be possible to use a second hostname set by the mainDEVICE_NICK_NAME constant, which is also defined at the top of main.c.

Software Setup #4: Setting the Echo Server Address

If the TCP echo client example is used then set the constants configECHO_SERVER_ADDR0 to configECHO_SERVER_ADDR3 in FreeRTOSConfig.h to the IP address of a suitable echo server.

Software Setup #5: Print and Logging Messages

Directing RTOS debug output
Logging configuration in FreeRTOSConfig.h
FreeRTOSIPConfig.h is provided with FreeRTOS_debug_printf() disabled, and FreeRTOS_printf() set to send TCP/IP stack and application logging messages over UDP. The IP address and port number to which the UDP logging messages are sent, along with a few other logging related parameters, are set using constants within FreeRTOSConfig.h, which are shown in the image on the right.

Log messages are buffered for transmission by a low priority background RTOS task.

Log output can be viewed in many different terminal programs. UDPTerm, from Cinetix, it a convenient free standing utility that can be used for this purpose.

Running Examples

Now the hardware and software are configured the examples can be executed. The instructions below describe how to download then execute the application from RAM:
  1. First it is necessary to create a debug configuration.

    Select "Debug Configurations..." from the IDE's "Run" menu. The Debug Configurations dialogue will appear.

  2. Double click the "Xilinx C/C++ application (System Debugger)" option to create a new debug configuration.

  3. Complete the new debug configuration's tabs as shown in the images below. The images assume the MicroZed hardware platform is being used.

    RTOS TCP/IP debug configuration 1

    RTOS TCP/IP debug configuration 1

  4. Ensure the Zynq evaluation platform is connected to the host computer using an appropriate debug connection, then press the "Debug" button to close the Debug Configurations dialogue, download the application to RAM, and start a debug session.

Basic Connectivity Test

Before experimenting with the examples below it is advised to test basic connectivity by starting the application running, then pinging the target. If ping replies are received then the application is both running and connected to the network correctly.

To ping the device, open a command prompt and type "ping RTOSDemo", assuming the hostname has not be changed from the default of RTOSDemo.

If a ping reply is not received then turn DHCP off, assign the target a static IP address, and try again using the assigned IP address in place of the host name.

Instructions describing how to set a static IP address, and how to set a hostname, are provided in the setup instructions on this page.

pinging the TCP target
Pinging the target, and receiving ping responses

Included Examples

The project includes the following examples:

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