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FreeRTOS+IO Board Support Package (BSP) Description
NXP LPC1769 LPCXpresso Base Board


Hardware The BSP was developed on and targets the LPCXpresso LPC1769 CPU board and LPCXpresso Base Board. Rev A of the base board was used.
Development Tools LPCXpresso IDE
Configuration Files Location FreeRTOS-Plus-IO/Device/LPC17xx/SupportedBoards/LPCXpresso17xx-base-board.h
Port Layer Location FreeRTOS-Plus-IO/Device/LPC17xx

Supported peripherals and modes

Peripheral Connected To Transfer Modes Supported Demo App #
UART3 USB connector on the base board via an RS232 to USB converter. Polled Rx - Polled Tx - Interrupt driven zero copy Tx - Interrupt driven circular buffer Rx - Interrupt driven character queue Tx - Interrupt driven character queue Rx #1
I2C2 OLED and serial EEPROM Polled Rx - Polled Tx - Interrupt driven zero copy Tx - Interrupt driven circular buffer Rx #1
SSP1 (used in SPI mode) 7-segment display and SD card MMC driver Polled Rx - Polled Tx - Interrupt driven zero copy Tx - Interrupt driven circular buffer Rx - Interrupt driven character queue Tx - Interrupt driven character queue Rx #1 (7-segment display)
#2 (SD card MMC driver)

The demo application also integrates lwIP and FatFS.

BSP specific FreeRTOS_ioctl() request codes

Request Code Description Parameter
ioctlSET_SSP_FRAME_FORMAT The SSP port can operate in a number of different modes, one of which is SPI mode. boardSSP_FRAME_SPI is the only supported value, and configures the SSP port to use SPI mode.

Demo Application

Click here for the demo application documentation.