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Installing the Development Tools
and importing the LPCOpen package

The workflow steps on this page are used to create the development environment that is then used to build the projects described on the pages that follow.

Installing the tools and software

The LPCOpen package contains multiple example projects that target multiple off the shelf evaluation boards. Each example project comes with build files that enable it to be built with either the IAR Embedded Workbench, Keil uVision, or LPCXpresso development tools. The instructions and images on this page demonstrate the LPCXpresso tools being used to target the LPC1830 Xplorer board from NGX Technologies.

Reading through the instructions will enable you to see exactly what LPCOpen is, how it can be used, and the advantages it can bring your development - even if you don't have the hardware available to actually try it out for yourself.

The LPC1830 Xplorer Board
from NGX Technologies

Workflow steps:
  1. Download and install the LPCXpresso Eclipse based IDE, which comes bundled with the GCC compiler for ARM. The IDE needs to be activated after installation, but activation is free.

  2. Download, but don't unzip the LPCOpen package that is correct for your chosen compiler and hardware - the LPC18xx Cortex-M3 microcontroller in this case.

Importing LPCOpen into the LPCXpresso Eclipse workspace

The LPCOpen zip file contains:
  1. An LPC chip support project

    The chip support project will be correct for the LPCOpen package selected for download in step above. In this case it contains the LPC1800 and Cortex-M specific driver code.

  2. A board support project

    The board support project will be correct for the LPCOpen package selected for download in step above. In this case it contains the software necessary to map inputs and outputs used by the example projects to the inputs and outputs provided on the NGX Xplorer evaluation board.

  3. Multiple example projects

    The example projects use the chip support and board support projects to demonstrate how to use the LPCOpen drivers and middleware.

Workflow steps:
  1. Select 'Import' from the LPCXpresso 'File' menu. The Import dialogue box will appear. In the dialogue box select 'General | Existing Projects into Workspace'.

    Selecting 'Existing Projects into Workspace'

  2. In the next window select the 'Select archive file' radio box, then browse to and select the LPCOpen zip file that has already been downloaded. All the projects contained within the zip file will be displayed in the 'Projects' window.

  3. The LPC1800 chip support and the LPC1800 Xplorer board support projects (as described above) are highlighted in the image below. Check these two projects, then click finish to import the projects into the LPCXpresso workspace.

    The list of projects in the LPCOpen zip file

Next: Making use of the USB drivers in the LPC microcontroller hardware (without FreeRTOS)

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