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FreeRTOS FAQ - What is This All About?

This is a subsection of the full FAQ

What is a Real Time Operating System (RTOS)?
What is a Real Time Kernel?
What is a Real Time Scheduler?
How do I use FreeRTOS?
How do I get started?
Why use an RTOS?

This is a subsection of the full FAQ

What is a Real Time Operating System (RTOS)?

Reading the FreeRTOS Tutorial Book will go a long way to answering this question.

See the page "what is an RTOS" for a more detailed explanation than provided here.

A Real Time Operating System is an operating system that is optimised for use in embedded/real time applications. Their primary objective is to ensure a timely and deterministic response to events. An event can be external, like a limit switch being hit, or internal like a character being received.

Using a real time operating system allows a software application to be written as a set of independent tasks. Each task is assigned a priority and it is the responsibility of the Real Time Operating System to ensure that the task with the highest priority that is able to run is the task that is running. Examples of when a task may not be able to run include when a task is waiting for an external event to occur, or when a task is waiting for a fixed time period.

What is a Real Time Kernel?

See the page "what is an RTOS" for a more detailed explanation than provided here.

A Real Time Operating System can provide many resources to application writers - including TCP/IP stacks, files systems, etc. The Kernel is the part of the operating system that is responsible for task management, and intertask communication and synchronisation. FreeRTOS is a real time kernel.

What is a Real Time Scheduler?

See the page "what is an RTOS" for a more detailed explanation than provided here.

Real Time Scheduler and Real Time Kernel are sometimes used interchangeably. Specifically, the Real Time Scheduler is the part of the RTOS kernel that is responsible for deciding which task should be executing.

How do I use FreeRTOS?

Reading one of the FreeRTOS Tutorial Books will go a long way to answering this question.

FreeRTOS is supplied as source code. The source code should be included in your application project. Doing so makes the public API interface available to your application source code.

When using FreeRTOS your application should be written as a set of independent tasks. This means your main() function does not contain the application functionality, but instead creates the application tasks, then starts the RTOS kernel. See the main.c and project files (makefile or equivalent) included with each port for examples.

Much more information is provided on the Creating a New FreeRTOS Application page.

How do I get started?

See the FreeRTOS Quick Start Guide.

Why use an RTOS?

You do not need to use an RTOS to write good embedded software. At some point though, as your application grows in size or complexity, the services of an RTOS might become beneficial for one or more of the reasons listed below. These are not absolutes, but opinion. As with everything else, selecting the right tools for the job in hand is an important first step in any project.

In brief:

  • Abstract out timing information

    The real time scheduler is effectively a piece of code that allows you to specify the timing characteristics of your application - permitting greatly simplified, smaller (and therefore easier to understand) application code.

  • Maintainability/Extensibility

    Not having the timing information within your code allows for greater maintainability and extensibility as there will be fewer interdependencies between your software modules. Changing one module should not effect the temporal behaviour of another module (depending on the prioritisation of your tasks). The software will also be less susceptible to changes in the hardware. For example, code can be written such that it is temporally unaffected by a change in the processor frequency (within reasonable limits).

  • Modularity

    Organising your application as a set of autonomous tasks permits more effective modularity. Tasks should be loosely coupled and functionally cohesive units that within themselves execute in a sequential manner. For example, there will be no need to break functions up into mini state machines to prevent them taking too long to execute to completion.

  • Cleaner interfaces

    Well defined inter task communication interfaces facilitates design and team development.

  • Easier testing (in some cases)

    Task interfaces can be exercised without the need to add instrumentation that may have changed the behaviour of the module under test.

  • Code reuse

    Greater modularity and less module interdependencies facilitates code reuse across projects. The tasks themselves facilitate code reuse within a project. For an example of the latter, consider an application that receives connections from a TCP/IP stack - the same task code can be spawned to handle each connection - one task per connection.

  • Improved efficiency?

    Using FreeRTOS permits a task to block on events - be they temporal or external to the system. This means that no time is wasted polling or checking timers when there are actually no events that require processing. This can result in huge savings in processor utilisation. Code only executes when it needs to. Counter to that however is the need to run the RTOS tick and the time taken to switch between tasks. Whether the saving outweighs the overhead or vice versa is dependent of the application. Most applications will run some form of tick anyway, so making use of this with a tick hook function removes any additional overhead.

  • Idle time

    It is easy to measure the processor loading when using FreeRTOS.org. Whenever the idle task is running you know that the processor has nothing else to do. The idle task also provides a very simple and automatic method of placing the processor into a low power mode.

  • Flexible interrupt handling

    Deferring the processing triggered by an interrupt to the task level permits the interrupt handler itself to be very short - and for interrupts to remain enabled while the task level processing completes. Also, processing at the task level permits flexible prioritisation - more so than might be achievable by using the priority assigned to each peripheral by the hardware itself (depending on the architecture being used).

  • Mixed processing requirements

    Simple design patterns can be used to achieve a mix of periodic, continuous and event driven processing within your application. In addition, hard and soft real time requirements can be met though the use of interrupt and task prioritisation.

  • Easier control over peripherals

    Gatekeeper tasks facilitate serialisation of access to peripherals - and provide a good mutual exclusion mechanism.

  • Etcetera


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